• OTH Regensburg
• CREDO Robotics GmbH
CyberCraft core competencies
• Process analysis & design of work systems
• Construction robotics
• Technology management
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Linner is an expert in the field of construction production and construction robotics. He has extensive experience in the scientific coordination of complex R&D and technology transfer projects (Horizon 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, BMBF etc.) at the interface between research and industry. He is a professor at OTH Regensburg and has previously held visiting professor and visiting researcher positions at universities such as Keio University and the University of Hong Kong. He is currently Vice President of the International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction and a member of the Presidential Committee of the German Institute for Standardization. In 2019, he received the CEN-CENELEC Standards+Innovation Award for his achievements in the field of technology transfer.
Core resources
• One of the core professorships for the Building Lab at OTH Regensburg
• Extensive experience in strategy and technology consulting via CREDO Robotics GmbH
• Extensive equipment with collaborative robots and software for simulating human-robot collaboration at OTH Regensburg
• Cambridge Handbooks in Construction Robotics
Project related to CyberCraft completed in the last 5 years
• Development of collaborative robot systems in the field of shell construction
• Development of robotic systems for finishing trades
• Development of robot-assisted logistics systems