Robotically supported facade processing using a modular, multifunctional robot system
Authors: Prof. Thomas Linner

Abstract: The robot system is the result of an industrial order carried out by a team of innovators at the Technical University of Munich. The aim was to develop a system that was cost-effective and which, thanks to its modularity, could be easily adapted to new buildings while carrying out a variety of tasks in facade processing by modularly replacing individual components (end effectors). The system acts instructively on the construction site as a framework around which the preceding and subsequent manual processes can be better structured.
Key technologies/processes: modular robotics, cost reduction through simple machine structure.
Applicable to the following types of trade: interior and faced finishing works.
The solution to the problem: higher quality at lower costs.
Added value potential for the skilled trades: skills shortage, occupational health and safety.
Outlook and future development: Consulting and development services on thematically similar issues for direct industrial application are offered by CREDO Robotics GmbH